Saturday, February 9, 2008

Studio Session

Jus finished recording the "Real Life" freestyle. You can check it out on my myspace page tomorrow:

Hip Hop N.E.W.S. is comin!! Stay tuned!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Be on the look out!!

New Mixtape comin soon! " Hip Hop N.E.W.S." Spring 2008!! Ill have more information for ya through out the week. ANYONE WHO FEELS THEY HAVE SKILLS and would like to show them on this Mixtape, HIT ME UP @ its goin down PEACE!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Shout out to New York!!

Yooooo.... how about dem Giants?!? Not really my favorite team, but you gotta root for the underdog, ya kno? Overall it was a good game. The Giants defense won that game. They had Brady lookin clumsy... lol.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Its like 5 o'clock in the mornin right now and I haven't slept yet!! I ben up tryna finish and rehearse these two songs I'm plannin on recording this weekend. Bein that they charge by the hour, I gotta have everything on point cuz those studios are a trip sometimes. Not too long ago, a producer tried to charge from the time I called him for directions to his studio. WTF! Did ya hear what I jus said??!!?? Dis guy actually started to charge me 30 mins b4 I even walked into the studio! Unbelievable!! Anyway, I'm goin to sleep... I'm no good when I'm tired... LOL... PEACZzzzzzZZzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzz....... (Currently Sleepin)