Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Racism is sooo old... yet its still alive...

Yea I said it, its gettin old maaaane..... hear me out:

Its 10 o'clock in the mornin, walkin into the barbershop. Im dappin up all da barbers and whateva.

One dude ask me "how I'm livin?"

I'm like "I'm jus maintainin, I can't complain".

He says "Yea datz all us black people can do is maintain, bein that "Da White man" is keepin us from progressin"

Me: No comment.... I'm not really good at respondin to non sense... anyway....

I'm gettin da phresh fade from my mans and what not... and there's like 5 plasma screens in da barbershop all playin Sportcenter.... everyone seemed to be real laid back, UNTIL... a scene from "one of the most controversal radio spokesmen", Don Imus, making yet another slick comment towards a black athlete, Pacman Jones. Anyway I'm not gonna speak too much on that because ya should already know about it.

Movin on....

After the footage was shown, everyone spazzed out about the situation EXCEPT this one black dude who I actually found to be one of the most intelligent dudes in the room. His response to the situation was "Though it did sound kind of racist, you can't jus blame him 100% for what he said" it was a good opinion....

Unfortunately for him, no one agreed. They questioned him on whether he was a real black man or not. Some people jus flat out called him a "Cracker". But what really caught my hearing was when this dude yelled " NIGGA if a white NIGGA call me a NIGGA, ima punch dat NIGGA in da face, I ain't a slave" How hypocritical was that statement?? Smh He said the word NIGGA like 4 times... smh, cmon yo

Now heres my question to all of ya... if YOU (meanin yourself) really have a problem with racism, are you doin anything to change that? Or are you that person that's jus talkin shyt, thinkin that you can jus call a white person a nigga, nigger, cracka, or cracker, and thinkin he can't do the same to you.... also understand this is the year 2008 NOT the 1800's.... back then there wasn't any opportunity for minorities. They actually been thru the REAL struggle... and I'm not talkin bout the 9 ta 5, behind on bills struggle, or da "I can't do shyt because no one won't give me a chance" struggle....

Fam! Its however you make it... I know what its like in da hood..... and ill be real, only people that I was goin to war with was my OWN people... and all we can do is blame the police for lockin us up... We need to focus on ourself and stop pointin the finger wheneva something bad happens to us..... pretend that black people were the only people on the earth Starting right now, you think it'll be a better place then???

If you disagree with what I'm sayin, dats cool.... try not to come at me sideways tho....

Ill stop right here....

"How do we expect a change when the change is not in us???" - MICKEY FACTZ


Z dot O period

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hip Hop N.E.W.S. TBA????

The Hip Hop N.E.W.S. Mixtape will be released at a later time due to artists complications... that's all I'm sayin about that... peace!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Houston Hip Hop!

Lil Ke Ke "Im A G"

Who Are You??

You ever had one of these moments when writing rhymes?? LOL
I remember back in the day(high school) when I stayed havin Writers Block. It was the most frustratin thing I ever experience because a nigga would give me this hot ass beat and be like "Zo! You gotta blessed dis shyt my nigga, dis dat "beat em up bang bang clap clap kill kill bitch bitch hoe hoe crack crack stab stab steal steal fuck fuck pitch pitch....." Ya get my point.... lol. Anyway, Im listenin to the beat in my room like "Yo, what the heck am im goin to rap about??" After hours of thinkin, I did what everyone else was doin at the time, FAKE IT. smh... lol

The name of the song was called "Throw it Up" The chorus went like this:

Niggas, Bitches, Hoes, Sluts//
Eastcoast Westcoast Jersey Throw It Up//
Its the P.R.O.S.P.E.C.T.//
And none of ya niggas can f+*k wit me//

It sounded kinda cool back then, but now it sounds wack each time i listen to it now... lol, every line had some metaphor that had to do with me shootin a nigga in the head or something. Im too fly for that type of talk....

Now ima be real with you. "Throw it Up" was the only official song i recorded during my high school years. It wasnt because I couldnt afford studio time, it was more like every rhyme i started writin was beginning to be repetitive; the same shyt! Guns, hoes, drugs..... none of dis shyt related to me.... that was waaaaaay back in 2003, its 2008 now, and im finally rappin again... but this time doin something i didnt do back then, and thats being myself! Now, alot of rappers wouldnt even be tellin this type of shyt because they stay tryin to hide behind some image that theyre totally not familiar with OR.. They jus havent found themselves as an MC yet.... they have the talent but they keep runnin away from it because they afraid the public wont accept them as themselves...... Try not to misunderstand me tho, if you really livin that hard life and thats all you see and do, then it is what it is. All im sayin is "Find yourself and then Be yourself". If not, you might be in this category below.

Peep the video:


Nevermind the Kanye part... i wasnt really feelin that.. Kanye is dat nigga!